Friday, January 9, 2009

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

Friday, October 12, 2007

This is what my studio or cave as I affectionately call it used to look like. The reason it is called 'The Cave' is pretty obvious really - it is 11 metres long and only 2.5 metres wide. There is a little shower room at one end, a sink, a sewing bench with space for 3 machines and as you can see quite a bit of shelf space. Sadly it doesn't look quite like this these days. For one, the chairs for relaxing (yikes! what's that?) are gone, replaced by a desk for drawing and painting. For another, in accordance with well-accepted principles, the stash has grown .... and grown ... and been culled ... and grown .... and you get the picture. There has been a major tidying up campaign under way for the past few weeks, but it still doesn't look this good. I guess the message is try harder.
I have decided to continue with the City and Guilds course at Distant Stitch with Siân Martin, but I am going to change my reseach topic or theme, and go with something to do with architecture. This is a subject that I feel comfortable with - 5 years of study might have something to do with that, as well as a lifetime passion. At the moment I am still reading through the revised Module, but my brain is ticking over with ideas.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Lutradur and Lace

I took too long to get the photo up to take part in the judging, but since I don't really care for peer judging that's no big deal for me.
Not sure yet what this will become - maybe part of a book/journal cover.
My studio is now reasonably tidy - at least enough that I can see my way around and do something. Waiting for me, with the clock ticking inexorably, are my Distant Stitch C&G work, plus an outfit to wear to my son's wedding on 1 December. My Dearly Beloved bought me a burgundy-with-gold-thread-embroidery sari a few months ago on one of his forays into the big city, and last week he went again with instructions to come home with something to match for pants and a longish tunic. The sari will then become a loose kimono-style jacket. He did exceptionally well (as usual), and I now have some burgundy French crepe. And I can't put the sewing off much longer.
I haven't yet worked out how to load more than one photo per post on this blog, so the other stuff will have to wait.
Monday, September 17, 2007
My studio has been allowed to fall into a state of chaos. There is no other word for it. It's not dirty, just very untidy. I am not disciplined enough to put things away as soon as I have finished with it, so benchtops are absolutely covered with bits and pieces. I also accumulate rather more stash than I have storage capacity for. I guess this is a familiar lament to everyone, and I am very lucky to have a dedicated studio, yada, yada. Anyway I have been trying desperately over the past week to tidy up some - and I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Given that I can only work for at the most a couple of hours a day, you can understand why it is taking so long.
Next week hopefully will see me back at real work. I have just started a piece based on an image I saw on TV of the Canning Stock Route, but further work on it will be my reward for finishing the tidying operation.
Monday, September 3, 2007

And things go from bad to worse
Here is a Damn-it doll
To help lift the curse.
Take it gently by the leg
And find a place to slam it,
And as you knock the stuffing out
Shout damn it! Damn it!! DAMN IT!!!