Friday, October 12, 2007

This is what my studio or cave as I affectionately call it used to look like. The reason it is called 'The Cave' is pretty obvious really - it is 11 metres long and only 2.5 metres wide. There is a little shower room at one end, a sink, a sewing bench with space for 3 machines and as you can see quite a bit of shelf space. Sadly it doesn't look quite like this these days. For one, the chairs for relaxing (yikes! what's that?) are gone, replaced by a desk for drawing and painting. For another, in accordance with well-accepted principles, the stash has grown .... and grown ... and been culled ... and grown .... and you get the picture. There has been a major tidying up campaign under way for the past few weeks, but it still doesn't look this good. I guess the message is try harder.

I have decided to continue with the City and Guilds course at Distant Stitch with Siân Martin, but I am going to change my reseach topic or theme, and go with something to do with architecture. This is a subject that I feel comfortable with - 5 years of study might have something to do with that, as well as a lifetime passion. At the moment I am still reading through the revised Module, but my brain is ticking over with ideas.


Pat Winter said...

What a bright and wonderful creative space you have!!! I love seeing where creative minds work. Thanks for sharing, and thank you for contributing to the comfort doll project in NZ. It is very much appreciated.

Dianne said...

This is a great looking working space!! I think you need to come to the Mornington Peninsula and help me to organise mine!!!